Sunday, March 16, 2008


photo by Zoe

We are having a nice weekend. Most of the snow is gone! We have been having really nice warm weather (in the 40's!) It is nice to see the ground again. OK it does not look as nice this photo, but nice (the photo is yet another one from South Africa). I am thinking about gardens and summer. Elijah was in the sand box this week, in his snow pants, but in the sand box.

Things are moving forward with the bookcase, moving kinda snail like, but moving. He is to be here today with the end bookcases and to start the trim work. If there IS major changes today I will post a new photo tomorrow, please do not hold your breath because I like you to much to have to pass out over something silly like my bookcases;)

Guess that is it for now. Hope that everyone is having a warm Sunday.

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