Monday, March 3, 2008

First Day

From earlier today (4:11 PM) on wrong blog provider...

Ok this is just a trial so if you do not like what you read tune back in when I have gotten better at it;)

Ada Elizabeth is in a bad mood today and I think it is because she has this sickness that Mark and I just got over (not really got over just not as bad anymore). Elijah is in a forced outside time. It was a kicking and screaming get out of the house time (him kicking a screaming not me).

We are about to get some bookshelves that we have been waiting for (about 9 months) and it is about time! I hope that they will look nice after all this time. I will try and put some photos up, but do not know how to do that yet.

I have to go as Ada is crying and Elijah is coming in. Will write more later.

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