Sunday, June 15, 2008


A couple of weeks ago we found a cool looking caterpillar on our new willow tree. I pulled it off and brought it in to see if I could identify it. While I was taking my time doing that it made itself into this chrysalis.

Today I came down stairs to find the butterfly out!!! It did not look anything like I thought it would. (I am not all that good at IDing caterpillar's I guess;)

Here she is before we let her go.

She was not so keen on leaving. (I think that she might not have had enough time for her wings to dry out.)

So back on the willow for her and she was gone this afternoon when we checked. Great fun.


angela said...

I am so loving the butterfly! I'm glad you got some great little ones enjoyed seeing them. I'll be waiting for some great camera tips!

Zoë said...

Just ask for the tips and I will help where I can.

Stephanie said...

Great pictures!