Friday, April 11, 2008

Allergies & Asthma

Some of you know that Elijah has asthma and allergies and I wanted to talk about this a little.

When Elijah was under 1 year he started having rashes on his face and the back of his knees. They where so bad at times that they would bleed. We tried MANY lotions and ointments and none of them seemed to work well, so our pediatrician decided to have some allergy tests done. They came back positive for peanuts. In the coming years we found out that Elijah had allergies to eggs, soy, peas, (and raspberries and strawberries which he has outgrown, thank God) and we are assuming that he is allergic to all legumes. We also found out (after a couple late night trips to urgent care) that Elijah has Asthma. All of this was overwhelming when it happened, each and every time it happened.

We where lucky to have a GREAT care team (Allergist and Pediatrician), other friends with small kids who had allergies, and great friends (who went out of their way to make playgroups safe for Elijah and the other kids in our group who have allergies, THANK YOU GUYS!)

I mostly wanted to write this to let people know that if this is happening that you are not alone. There are TONS of us out there that have to deal with this. And there is a way to make almost all food without something. I have some good recipes and have friends that have lots. If someone out there needs help, recipes, or just a place to talk about it, I would love to help.

Elijah is safe and healthy now and we are happy about that.

Another great place to look for help is the AANMA. They are a great organation and have helped me stay up to date on what all the new things that are going on in the world of asthma and allergies.

I hope this helps someone, please post if you have questions.


angela said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. After reading your post about allergies, we may have even more in common that just being a stay at home mom of two kids. My youngest is allergic to peanuts...and strawberries, which I think she will grow out of. She hasn't been tested, they keep telling me she's too young (almost 3), but after a trip to the ER...peanuts are taboo around here. Sunbutter is a great alternative, so yummy and safe. Drop by anytime, I'll be checking in on your blog. LOVE the pictures!(of kids..and Africa?) I can't wait till I have time to read some of your older posts.

Zoë said...

Angela, Thank you for checking in. I am sure that your little one will outgrow the strawberries. Elijah did after only one year or so. It was sooo nice to have him not be allergic anymore. And yes Sunbutter ROCKS!!!

I also look forward to seeing more of your blog when I have time;)