Friday, April 24, 2009


We had a wonderful day yesterday.  Here are some photos from the day.

Ada and I had a very nice time at the coffee shop while we where waiting for Elijah to get done at pre-school.  (you can even see some crumbs from the yummy that we shared). Do you think I should send this to Starbucks and see if I could get them to pay me lots of money for it? ;) just kidding.
Next we went to the park where we had lunch with friends.  It was a warmish day and the sun was wonderful. 
Lots of bubbles.... Thanks again Kate!
Then into the zoo.... we brought our own monkeys (grin).
Thankfully there is thick glass or the lion would have had a picnic also.
E: Maybe when I am 6 I will be as big as the gibbon!
And of course one more playground before we could call it a day.
Friends are great!


kraftykash said...

I love the pic by the lion. That window is huge!! And the kangaroo looks like fun to climb inside of. BTW...thanks for the kind blog comments!

Anonymous said...

That looks like the COOLEST place ever!