Sunday, November 21, 2010

What's for dinner?

Tonight we had a yummy chicken noodle soup.  We have been having a lot more roasted chicken these days, and as a result we are also having more soup from the left-over chicken.  I always thought it was more trouble then it was worth to make soup from chickens or turkeys because I always took all the meat off the bones first (do not ask me why), now I just put the whole thing in the pot when we are done with it (no matter how much meat is still on the bones).  It is so easy and yummy.  Tonight we had soup and fresh biscuits (another EASY thing to make for dinner).

So what did you have for dinner?

ps today was the first time since I was large with baby Elijah in my tummy that I sang in the choir at church.  It was nice to be back!

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