Sunday, May 23, 2010

You know it is spring when:

  • you are putting your wash for the week on the line on a 90 day and you are hanging up long sleeve shirts and sweaters
  • you can have a wonderful neighborhood party and it is HOT, but it could still snow (oh I hope not!!!)
  • it is close to the end of May and it is finally safe to put your plants in (I really hope it does not snow anymore:)
  • you realizes that you need to get new shoes (sandals) and new shorts for the kids (how did they grow so much since fall?)
Well just a few of the things going on here. It is probably the warmest it is going to be all summer here right now, but I hope not I hope it stays this way for a while.

Here's a photo of the not so little girl:

kinda movie starish yeah????

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