Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big Girl Overalls

Today Mark took Elijah to school so that Ada Liz and I could have some home time. She and I got to play and laugh and give kisses (her new thing, very cute). Right now she is in her crib taking a nap (one of the first naps in her crib this week, we have been busy). Lots going on, but not much to blog about. Just wanted to check in and say hi and share these photos. My Mom and I bought these overalls for her last year and the thought that she would ever fit into them made us laugh, but here she is all big. I know that she will be growing so fast in the next couple of years and soon I will be saying " Can you believe she used to fit in these overalls!"

1 comment:

Yarni Gras! said...

so cute! Love those pig tails!