Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day Two in Roma

I do not have a lot to say and a lot of photos, so most of them will just be photos.

This the road leading up to the Pantheon.  I love this building and it is tucked into the middle of the city.  You will be walking along on the little streets (which also have cars on them) and you look up and there it is!

Not a great photo, but it is one of the only ones of the 3 of us.

We had lunch on the square (it was dear def #5(as my mom would say), but a great place to see people)

I just love the look of the buildings (the colors are just GREAT.)

Not sure why I like this photo, but I do:)

Couple last photos of the Pantheon.

Here we are at Navona.

A wonderful door.


Johanna said...

Thank you so much for sharing. I've always wanted to visit the Parthenon. Guess I always imagined it away off on a hill somewhere, though. It was really startling to see how it's just around the corner in the middle of the city with the paving stones right up to the steps. Wow.

Zoë said...

I know it is one of my fav places in Roma! It is so cool the way the city is just built around it (in a wonderful way).