Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brown paper packages tied up in bows

These are a few of my favorite things today ( this of course does not include my favorite favorite things like my sweet husband, huggable kids...... )

BTW did you hear the sad news that card holders will no longer get free soy?  Bummer right... Oh well, My drink still makes me happy.  Sometimes I tell my kids that I love them more then Starbucks, then they really know that they are loved;)

I had to go get Ada her first vilion book today and found this book for Elijah... Hope he is happy I got it :)

Ada planted these beans this summer and I was not sure they would grow, but grow they have and we have gotten a bunch of beans off them.  ( OK maybe this is something that makes my little one happy, but in turn that makes me happy:)

This jacket that I got when I was out visiting my sister... I may or may not be wearing it everyday.... If you see me everyday in it please forgive me.:)

Smiles:). Does anyone else see The Scream in that one at the top?

I am starting to see The Scream everywhere.  This is on my back porch... Kinda creepy right?


Kari said...

That scream face is how I have been feeling lately....

Zoë said...

HAHAHAHAH. Hope tomorrow is better.