Thursday, June 7, 2012

Teacher Gifts

Being the think ahead kinda of woman that I am I have had this teacher gift done for weeks .... NOT.  I was walking in Target today and it come to me.  (note I am sure that I did not make this up I am sure that I must of see it somewhere, but I have no idea where so please forgive me).

Here is what you need to make your own (just in case some of you wait until the last minute like me (Ada's school ends tomorrow.... man next year I am soooooo making something better for the teachers (I may or may not have said this for the last X number of years:) ) at Christmas time so I will have it done for end of year (yeah right!)..... where was I ????... Oh yeah I was going to show you what I did.

Here is what I used: gift cards to Target (or anywhere that you like... this is all that they where going to get, but I wanted it to be a little better then just a card)(see how the cards have cute flowers on them), seeds (I let Ada pick the flowers and got in trouble when Elijah got home and he did not get to pick... man I can not do right by that kid these day, but I digress), the stirrers are great for the "steams" of the flowers, and paint dots (because all art projects are better with paint dots right?).

Oh and of course one lovely assistant.  (it was PJ day at school and Piggy got to go in and she (piggy had a great time... just side note... because digressing is one of my problems many lovely traits.

I know that you needed a photo of this or you would not know what to write right????? Just kidding not sure why I thought this was something I had to add, but I did so here it is:)  I then cut them into "flower" shapes... I may need to go back to Kindergarten to brush up on my cutting skills.

Here is an action shot of A and her mad art skills (this girl does LOVE her some art).  This is the back of the little signs, as she has already done the front.

I taped the sticks into the flower pots to keep them in place.

There you have it... the worlds easiest teacher gift project.


Stephanie said...

Those turned out really cute, Zoe! said...

Beautiful pictures! :-)